Rotary Parlor Milking

Experience the DeLaval Rotary Advantage

DeLaval Rotary systems engineered to maximize milk yield while ensuring optimal cow comfort. The advanced technology and ergonomic design create a gentle, stress-free milking environment, boosting efficiency and profitability for dairy farmers.

Unleash the power of rotary milking with DeLaval.

As a leading provider of dairy solutions for large-scale operations, we’ve witnessed firsthand how rotary milking can revolutionize your dairy business. A rotary parlor is more than just a milking system; it’s a proven, efficient platform designed to maximize productivity, improve animal welfare, and enhance your bottom line.

DeLaval Rotary Benefits

  • Rapid Milking
  • Increased Throughput
  • Improved Worker Safety
  • Gentle Treatment for the Herd
  • Customizable to your desired level of parlor automation
  • Continued support from both DeLaval and our team of experts


Let's Connect

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been around longer than we have, we're your partner for conventional or robotic milking, herd management, milk quality and more.