Milking Parlor Automation and Upgrades

Automatic teat spray, take-offs and sort systems are just a few of the ways we can upgrade your parlor for a big difference in your bottom line.

The Dairy Solutions Group has access to the industry’s best parlor automation solutions.

We’ve become experts at identifying the bottlenecks in a parlor milking system and know which upgrades and automations can enhance production and efficiency on your farm. 


  • Shift labor focus from repetitive tasks to strategic herd management
  • Increase overall system efficiency at a minimal cost
  • Stay in sync with other herd management solutions and tasks around the farm
  • Ongoing, expert maintenance for the life of the equipment

Let's Connect

Whether you’re just getting started or you’ve been around longer than we have, we're your partner for conventional or robotic milking, herd management, milk quality and more.